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There are a few of the recordings that I brought back from India that still arrest my attention and pull me back into the moment in which I recorded them. Here they are for your enjoyment.

The songs the kids sang for us at the children's home in Ludihana are dear to all of our hearts. These 30 kids could be stealing, begging, and freezing on the streets, but instead they are in a warm, loving home being taught from God's word. The happiness on their faces glowed as they shared with us their favourite songs, or perhaps, the ones they just learned.

This one is my all-time favourite and whenever I hear it I am struck by how beautiful it is. When the girls began singing two of the boys scrambled to get behind the drums, so that's why they come in later.

Drum Song - Dec. 8, 2016
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This one they sang with lots of actions and at the "Mera Je- je- je- jeshu" part they jumped in circles with their hands in the air.

My Jesus - Dec. 8, 2016
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A girl named Angel was asked to show off her drumming skills to me, but she didn't know how to begin until the other girls began a song she knew.

Angel Drumming - Dec. 8, 2016
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When we were at the Church in Solan, there was one song which had a four-word chorus and I knew what every word meant. "Jeshu Nam Kee Heh" is one I greatly look forward to hearing every time. The singing starts at 1:10.

Jeshu Nam Kee Heh - Dec. 11, 2016
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There are two songs which I like because they remind me to pray for the people I can hear singing.

This one is at Gateway Church in Mumbai, with the people from Vision Rescue.

God is Fighting for Us - Nov. 27, 2016
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This one is at Pastor Phillip's Church, also in Mumbai, with the people from Shanti Nivas.

Bless the Lord, O My Soul - Dec. 4, 2016
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This is when we were driving to Youth Group in Mumbai, and Ashwin Uncle's son Ranok had his phone plugged into the car's sound system, playing songs. This is one of the many Baptist-style songs that I was introduced to just within the team itself. It is surprisingly honk-free considering we're driving.

When Oceans Rise - Nov. 25, 2016
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