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Complete and Fully Equipped


I’m not a homeschool Mom.

I don’t know the hopes and dreams of someone with children, and I can’t understand the concerns and fears of one who has the charge of educating those children.

But I can imagine what it would be like. I can imagine how much I would yearn for them to be strong, capable, willing warriors of their Savior. I can imagine how hard I would work to teach them everything I thought they needed to be effective in His kingdom.

I can imagine how I would pray. I would pray that I would have the wisdom to teach them right. That they would turn out to be well-rounded adults, with all the tools they’d need - complete and fully equipped. And I would pray that God would show me how. How to accomplish this task.

When I ponder this question now I think of 2 Timothy 3:17-

“That the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

That, of course, is exactly what I want my future kids to be: men of God, complete and thoroughly equipped. That is the goal for my kids’ education. For that matter, it is the goal I have for my own education.

But the best part about this passage is that it tells us about the curriculum required for such results.

All Scripture!

If all one needs for an excellent education is the doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness found in scripture, then I can sure save a lot in the curriculum hall!

(And I don’t need to finish Algebra, either!)

I wrote this article as a part of a collaboration me and my friends and acquaintances are doing - we all wrote about homeschooling on our blogs!

You can read the other fascinating takes here.


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