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Dream Recipe


I like my dreams. They are epic, take up the whole night, and usually have some sort of followable plot. Best of all, I can always remember them in great detail when I wake up (or sometimes even before), and I often write them down so I don't lose them. This dream was one of my favourites, but it was more of a game than a story, so I wrote it down as a recipe.


The funnest game in the entire universe


Celeste's dreaming factory

Preparation Time

30 mins

Cook Time

4-6 hrs


1 six-floor hotel building, empty, with balconies

6 long, thick ropes

40-50 children, ages two to twenty (amount may vary)

3 tickle trunks of assorted dress-up, including several swords


SORT people, removing all adults

DUMP dress-up in a heap in the middle of the third floor

TIE ropes to the balconies, one to each floor

DIVIDE children in half, giving each side an elevator or two, depending on quantity

ASSIGN roles to each of the children, some knights, princesses, villains, nurses, etc.

SET children against each other

SIMMER 5 mins

BAKE on high heat for 4-6 hrs, or until thoroughly bruised

SPRINKLE with casualties, plotting, traitors, assassinations, switching sides, and desperate sword battles

ENJOY with relish and zest


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