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  • Celeste

My Advice to the Short Term Mission Tripper

The news is out! I am going on yet another mission trip. This one will finally be about how useful I can be, rather than how much experience I can gain. But best of all it will be in partnership with my dear cousin Isabelle. We have dreamed about being missionaries together since 2013, and now it is happening!

In honour of all this and because I feel like a seasoned short term mission tripper, I'd like to put down a few things I've learned that could be helpful to anyone considering going anywhere for any amount of time with anybody for any reason.

Before You Leave:

~Start keeping a Prayer Journal. I like to pray on paper (it keeps me focused and I love reading what I prayed yesterday), but you can just jot down the big requests and answers, and the little things God teaches you.

~Every day, starting today, pray that God would give wisdom to four people: you, your parents, and your future husband.

~Memorize some key scriptures and the exact references, so you can both recite and write them down.

~Learn at least "Hello," "Thank you," "Yes" and "No" in the language of the country you are going to.

While You're There:

~Give your camera to someone else on the team and tell them to click like their life depends on it. You'll get more pictures of yourself that way. If you and they will be doing different activities then keep it, but otherwise it works well.

~Write down the names of the locals you meet. You'll be surprised how quickly and thoroughly you'll forget. You may also forget who they are at all, so get pictures of as many people as possible, and if you can't, write a little description beside the name.

~Bring a recording device and record the music (singing and instrumentals). Nothing will take you back afterwards like listening to the songs of that place.

~Make a quick note of the main things you did each day. Even in only a week, the days will start to blend into one another.

After You Come Back:

~Before you set foot off the plane, you need to have a couple stories in mind: the quick, interesting answer to, "So, how was it?"; the ready answer to, "What was your favourite part?" (with one short reason or story); and the funniest story along with the most impactful story in reply to, "Tell me all about it."

~Don't read your journal, listen to your recordings, or look at your pictures too much, especially if you only have a few. Your memories will start to be based on what you have recorded.

~Pray for a few people whom you got the contact info for. Keep up with them. It will take a little work, but it will keep your perspective global.

I only know the name of one of these Amritsar street kids. Binu is the tall one with a red ribbon. Wait, that's not true. The one with her head on my shoulder is Sneha, and the one beside her is Angel.

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