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Pictures from Fisher Bay!


This has been my home for the past three weeks. (I head back to it on Monday!)

The graffiti on the bunk beds is wonderful to behold.

We had a lot of nail-painting parties the first week.

The stunning results. (Bug spray is a better nail polish remover than vinegar, by the way.)

Taking memory verses is a big part of a counsellor's job.

All dressed up for the banquet, and having an appetizer of frog's legs.

Bedtime antics. (There were a lot of those this last week!)

Slumber party!

This was during staff training. It was on purpose.

Mercer also came up for a week, to fill an urgent need. He's a trooper! You can see some of his pictures here.


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Fisher Bay 2023

Enjoy an excerpt from a letter to a friend about my Summer. Dear Friend, ...

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