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  • Celeste

Cotton Candy and Charcoal

The Catholic church at the Santa Cruz plaza.

We had supper at a restaurant on the roof overlooking the plaza.

Spicy Uno.

On the roof at El Jordan before the Friesens left.

The apartment we cleaned.

Rooftops of SC.

Cutest job in the world.

The Neufeld and Derksen kids at Diver City.

This is the yogurt section of a grocery store. Look, it's all in bottles or bags.

My friend at the zoo.

I went on an adventure with Alice in Wonderland for a while.

Trying alligator. The green stuff is peanut soup.

At La Casa del Camba.

Posing in front of a sugar cane press.

Cotton Candy is where it's at.

The view of the plaza from the cathedral.

At the Las Brisas mall.

Goodbye Isabelle!

The fruit truck that came by the guesthouse the morning after I knew I was going home.

The crowds gather to watch my portrait getting taken.

He's pretty good, nay?

In Winnipeg with my own people!

Sunset over a bleak October prairie.

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