This last weekend was Mission Fest, and I think there's a lot of us who came out of it raring to go, to do, to make an impact for the spread of the Gospel - with impatience, even. That is a very good thing. Every one of us needs a little fire burning under the seat of our pants, never satisfied, always ready to jump for the Lord.
For some, the spark that lights their fire is some good ole statistics. Jamie Saint showed us a hundred-yard measuring tape and said that if it represents the 3 billion people who have never heard the Gospel, than the number of full-time missionaries currently on the foreign field were represented by 1/8 of an inch. 90% of those work in countries that are considered reached (where everyone knows at least one Christian).
Others get their spark from hearing a personal story, such as a missionary coming home after spiritual attack or a new believer breaking down in tears because their deceased family members never got to hear the truth (these things happen all the time, all over the world).
However your fire is lit, it burns extra bright right after Mission Fest, and we young people are tempted to run out and start wildly proclaiming the truth. Cherish that impulse, because it is the right one to have. But like all of our urges, it needs to be brought before the Lord and we mustn't forget to be in prayer over our missionary aspirations.
The Lord does not do blanket calls.
He speaks to each person and directs them in His way at the right time. Very likely He has many important lessons to teach you before you can be an effective worker for Him. Learn to tune your spiritual ears. Never resist a prompting, even in a really embarrassing situation. In the journey to overcoming spiritual deafness He may have to shout at first, but if you listen and obey, eventually He will speak more quietly, you will respond more quickly, and you will learn to recognize the voice of the Lord better than the human voices around you.
A few years ago I heard a preacher use a phrase during a missions report, and it has stuck with me ever since. He said he had been eager to move on to the next step on the mission field and was praying for direction, when the Lord replied,
"Stay behind Me."
In all the energy of youth and untamed fervour it is a challenge to stay behind God. Let's talk about this concept.
Obviously it means not running out ahead with our own grand ideas. The Lord is very patient. He runs the clock and He can see the future, so I think we can trust His judgement on the timing of things. If we get impatient with His process we can dash out and end up creating a whole big mess. Staying behind God means waiting for His leading and provision before hurrying into a new ministry or chapter of life.
Another way to look at staying behind God is remaining under His guiding and protecting hand, letting Him take the buffeting and keeping in His wake. He places us behind Him because of His great love for us. I think of the scene in Jane Eyre where Jane and Mr. Rochester are in a room with a mad woman, and he takes Jane and puts her behind him before receiving the wrath of the mad woman and locking her back up. Staying behind God means we are preserved from the worst of the devil's attacks and threats.
The last and most encouraging aspect of staying behind God is that He never asks us to do anything He isn't willing to do Himself. When we walk in His footsteps we know He has been there before us, preparing the way and covering our path with His blessing and grace. He says, "This is the Way. I have walked it and I know what you will encounter along the journey. Walk in it, and I will be with you wherever you go."
The Lord has only ever given me jobs I really enjoy. Somehow no matter where He sends me He always manages to find me my favourite task. I have been discouraged, sure, and there may have been moments of distaste or nervousness, but I have never had occasion to wish I was doing anything else. Fear God, but not because He is a monster. He knows you better than you know yourself, and if you entrust your next step to His direction, He will ensure you never regret it.
Soli Deo Gloria