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  • Writer's pictureCeleste

Joy is Real

In the second last Screwtape Letter C.S. Lewis imagines Wormwood getting the man to think that trauma, sorrow, and disaster are real. To think that all the joy he felt in times of peace was just a feeling. That when the rubber met the road, joy is a feeling but anguish is real.

These are lies.

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.

At God’s right hand are pleasures forevermore.

God created the world perfect and happy. One day He will restore it to perfect happiness. Sorrow is just a blip, a parentheses in the tale of history.

Joy is what is real.

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C D Lawrenson
C D Lawrenson
Jun 01

This is concise, and all the more thought provoking.

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